Saturday, March 2, 2013

My Odd

The Odd

My sixty third 
the one
I left it for a long time

I breathe the perfumed air
I crave 
seeking for it everywhere

I felt 
I feel
My companion along the road

walk and run
within the same distance
provided with infinite gold 

known destination
been told
patience endure
till the moment 
till we meet again
soon enough 

Sunday, February 17, 2013


يا أيها المسلم!!!

يا أيها المزمل
قم اليل

يا أيها المدثر!!!
قم فأنذر
عش الحياة
ولو وحد

الى ربك
راضية مرضية
إنالله الواسع
رب العالمين

Monday, February 11, 2013

My dear road

Alhamdulilah :-)
I can barely still smile
through a very short journey

Arrive safely
to the door
hoping it will be opened when knocked

It still close
and close
and close tightly

I think the end is end
but end is also a start
a very start

It is hard
I know it is it

But it is for me
not for the others
I will walk in

Walk with pride and high
on a very red yellow carpet
to reach the stage

Until then
the stage is far
but I barely see it

It is near
at last

I can breath the air
to inhale
the only oxygen I have

To Allah
His my Teacher
My Friend
My Beloved One
No others 

till then I smile because of Allah
I cry because of Allah
All is blessings from Him
to the very poor slave
Syukur Lillah
the endless road...

Saturday, February 9, 2013

A brand new day

One day i woke
Seeing every thing around me
Do the routine
Same thing
Same job

Day by day
Lesson by lesson
I grab
May Allah help us along the journey
Return to Allah
You will happy in sadness

Thursday, January 17, 2013


جاءت محمد
ذهبت محمد
طلع الشمس
غسق القمر

نظر النور
امسك انور

سوف امشي
سوف اذهب
سوف اموت اءنشاءالله
فخرالله صدقي لقمان
عبد الرحمن

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

the art of war

beating of my heart
every seconds
waiting for the day

sometimes i slipped
i stand back
bury my legs
journey is tough

priceless reward
always imagined
chased till death
give me a chance 
to come back


pujian bg Allah yang mempunyai sifat yang MAHA dalam segalanya
menyebabkan hilai , sedu , girang
mencium debu-debu di tanah
hinakah itu
sangat-sangat hina

bilamana kita terus rebah
tidak berbangkit
ya Allah
bangkit bangun kami
semuanya dari Mu

seribu hikmah disingkapi
pimpinlah aku 
tetap teguh di jalan Mu
aku hanya ingin senyum 